
About the Onsen


Near PERMA, you’ll find the Nagayu Onsen, offering the rare experience of highly concentrated carbonated springs that are seldom found worldwide. Additionally, within the Kuju Highland area, numerous onsens with diverse mineral compositions are nestled amidst a lush natural environment.



Castle town area (10 minutes on foot)

● 竹田温泉 花水月
[ 住所/竹田市会々2250-1]
[ 営業時間/11:00~22:00(21:30まで入館)]
[ 定休日/木 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● 岡城天然温泉 月のしずく
[ 住所/竹田市飛田川3435-20]
[ 営業時間/10:00~21:00 ]
[ 定休日/火・金 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● Takeda Onsen Hanasuigetsu
[ Address: 2250-1 Kaikai, Taketa City ]
[ Business hours / 11:00-22:00 (admission until 21:30) ]
[ Regular holiday/Thursday ]
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● Okajo Natural Hot Spring Tsukino Shizuku
[ Address: 3435-20 Tobitagawa, Takeda City ]
[ Business hours/10:00-21:00 ]
[ Regular holiday/Tuesday/Friday ]
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Nagayu hot spring area (20 minutes by car)

● ラムネ温泉館(設計:藤森照信)
[ 住所/竹田市直入町大字長湯7676-2 ]
[ 営業時間/10:00~22:00 ]
[ 定休日/第1水(1月・5月は第2水) ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● クアパーク長湯(設計:坂茂)
[ 住所/竹田市直入町大字長湯3041-1 ]
[ 営業時間/9:00~18:00 ]
[ 無休 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● 長湯温泉療養文化館 御前湯
[ 住所/竹田市直入町長湯7962-1 ]
[ 営業時間/6:00~21:00(受付20:00まで) ]
[ 定休日/第3水 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● 万象の湯
[ 住所/竹田市直入町大字長湯3264-1 ]
[ 営業時間/10:00~20:30(受付20:00) ]
[ 無休 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● 町営温泉 長生湯
[ 住所/竹田市直入町大字長湯7993-3 ]
[ 営業時間/6:00~22:00 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● 湯屋 天音
[ 住所/竹田市久住町大字栢木6532-1 ]
[ 営業時間/10:00~23:00(受付22:00) ]
[ 定休日/火(臨時休業有) ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● ガニ湯(川の中の露天風呂)
[ 無休/24H ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● Lamune Hot Spring (Architect by Terunobu Fujimori)
[Address: 7676-2 Nagayu, Naoiri-cho, Taketa City]
[Business hours/10:00~22:00]
[Regular holiday / 1st Wednesday (2nd Wednesday in January and May)]
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● Kurpark Nagayu (Architect by Shigeru Ban)
[Address: 3041-1 Nagayu, Naoiri-cho, Taketa City]
[Business hours/9:00~18:00]
[ open every day ]
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● Nagayu Onsen Recuperative Cultural Center Gozenyu
[Address: 7962-1 Nagayu, Naoirimachi, Taketa City]
[Business hours / 6:00 to 21:00 (reception until 20:00)]
[regular holiday/third Wednesday]
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● Bansho no Yu
[Address: 3264-1 Nagayu, Naoiri-cho, Taketa City]
[Business hours/10:00-20:30 (Reception 20:00)]
[ open every day ]
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● Municipal hot spring Choseiyu
[Address: 7993-3 Nagayu, Naoiri-cho, Taketa City]
[Business hours/6:00~22:00]
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● Yuya Amane
[Address: 6532-1 Kayaki, Kuzumi-cho, Taketa City]
[Business hours/10:00-23:00 (Reception 22:00)]
[Regular holiday/Tuesday (temporary closure available)]
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● Crab bath (open-air bath in the river)
[ Open 7 days a week/24 hours ]
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Kuju Kogen area (20 minutes by car)

● 赤川温泉
[ 住所/竹田市久住町大字久住4008-1 ]
[ 営業時間/10:00~18:00(受付17:00) ]
[ 定休日/サイトでご確認ください ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● 七里田温泉館 木乃葉の湯/下湯
[ 住所/竹田市久住町大字有氏4050 ]
[ 営業時間/9:00~21:00 ]
[ 定休日/第2火 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● ほていの湯
[ 住所/竹田市久住町大字栢木5581-1 ]
[ 営業時間/11:00~21:00 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● 久住高原コテージ・満天望温泉
[ 住所/竹田市久住町白丹7571-23 ]
[ 営業時間/要問合せ ]
[ 無休(冬季臨時休業有) ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● 久住高原ホテル・雲海の湯/暁天の湯
[ 住所/竹田市久住町大字久住4031 ]
[ 営詳しくはこちら業時間/11:00~16:00 ]
[ 定休日/水 ]
▶︎ 詳しくはこちら

● Akagawa Onsen
[Address: 4008-1 Kusumi, Kusumi-cho, Taketa City]
[Business hours/10:00-18:00 (Reception 17:00)]
[Regular holidays/Please check on the website]
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● Shichirita Onsenkan Konoha no Yu / Shimoyu
[Address: 4050 Yuji, Kuzumi-cho, Taketa City]
[Business hours/9:00~21:00]
[regular holiday/2nd Tuesday]
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● Hotei no Yu
[Address: 5581-1 Kayaki, Kuzumi-cho, Takeda City]
[Business hours/11:00~21:00]
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● Kuju Kogen Cottage Mantenbo Onsen
[Address: 7571-23 Shiratan, Kuzumi-cho, Taketa City]
[ Business hours/inquiry required ]
[Open everyday (temporarily closed in winter)]
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● Kuju Kogen Hotel Unkai no Yu/Gyoten no Yu
[Address: 4031 Kusumi, Kusumi-cho, Taketa City]
[Business hours/11:00~16:00]
[regular holiday/Wednesday]
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