Followed by English translation

● 個人情報の取得に関して


● 利用目的について

● 情報の保護に関して

● 情報の保護に関して

● 情報の開示に関して

〒154-0011 東京都世田谷区上馬5-15-15


● プライバシーポリシーに関して
We, belonging to Earthscape Ltd., consider the personal information registered by our customers to be important and handle it with care. In order to provide our customers with satisfactory services, we will comply with laws and regulations, establish internal rules, and promote our business with the trust of our customers.

Acquisition of Personal Information
We will acquire personal information in the following cases We will not obtain personal information from third parties by illegal means.

Reservation information made via the Internet, telephone, etc.
Information you register during your stay
The information that you register during your stay.

Purpose of use
Personal information obtained at the time of reservation or during your stay will be managed by our hotel management office and Earthscape Co.
The information will be used for reservation management, stay management, billing management, usage history management, etc.
We will send you various information by mail, facsimile, e-mail, or other equivalent means. We will stop sending such information upon request from the person in question.
We will use the information for various marketing, sales promotion, and service improvement purposes for Earthscape Inc. and our hotel.
We will use your personal information to respond to your inquiries. In principle, responses will be provided only to the individual to whom the information pertains.

Protection of Information
The hotel and Earthscape Co., Ltd. will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer. However, this does not apply in cases where the conditions stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Law are met.
The hotel and Earthscape Inc. may provide personal information to subcontractors within the scope of the purpose of use. In this case, we will conclude a contract with the subcontractor regarding the handling of information and supervise the subcontractor appropriately.
The contents of information transmitted through Internet reservations, etc. are encrypted and protected.

Regarding the protection of information
The hotel and Earthscape Inc. will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer. However, this does not apply in cases where the conditions stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Law are met.
The hotel and Earthscape Inc. may provide personal information to subcontractors within the scope of the purpose of use. In this case, we will conclude a contract with the subcontractor regarding the handling of information and supervise the subcontractor appropriately.
The contents of information sent by Internet reservations, etc. are encrypted and protected.

Disclosure of Information
If you wish to request disclosure of your personal information managed by the hotel and Earthscape, please contact us at the following address. Please note that we may refuse to disclose your personal information if we are unable to verify your identity.

(Contact address)
5-15-15 Kamiuma, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0011

Procedures for Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information
When we receive a request from a customer for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of his/her personal information, we will promptly respond to the request within a reasonable and necessary scope after confirming the identity of the customer.

About our Privacy Policy
We will comply with this policy, review our efforts in each of the above items as appropriate, and strive for continuous improvement.

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地図:地理院地理Vectorを加工して作成/出典:国土地理院ウェブサイト/R2 事業再構築